2013 Western Writers of America Spur Award Finalist, Best Western Short Fiction:
“The Day Delgado Rode In,” Outlaws and Lawmen, Johnny D. Boggs, ed. Cheyenne: LaFrontera Publishing, 2013.
2010 Creative Writing Fellowship from the Wyoming Arts Council in Poetry:
Reading, Casper College Literary Conference, 2010.
2008 Wyoming State Historical Society Publication Awards (First Place):
“Amelia's Autogiro Adventures,” Aviation History, March 2008.
“Estelle Reel: Early Educator and Politician”; “Wyoming's Capitol Building Expanded as the State's Population Grew”; “USS Wyoming Brine-Busters Master the World's Waves,” all published in the WREN (Wyoming Rural Electric News) Magazine in 2007 and 2008.
2008 Western Writers of America Spur Finalist, Best Western Short Fiction:
“The Wild-Eyed Witness,” Lost Trails, Martin Greenberg and Russell Davis, eds. New York: Pinnacle, 2007.
2007 Wyoming State Historical Society Publication Awards:
“Nellie Tayloe Ross: Nation's First Woman Governor Proves Her Mettle in Wyoming,” and “Amelia Earhart Once Winged Her Way Across Wyoming.” Both published in the WREN (Wyoming Rural Electric News) Magazine in 2006.
2006 Western Writers of America Spur Award, Best Short Fiction:
“Pecker’s Revenge,” Pecker's Revenge and Other Stories from the Frontier's Edge, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2005.
2006 New York Public Library’s “Best Books for the Teen Age 2006”:
Amelia Earhart: The Sky's No Limit, American Heroes Series, New York: Forge, 2005. One of three books in the nation named to this list.
2004 Maggie Award, Best Consumer Series, Western Publications Association:
“Historic Trails” Series 2003, WREN Magazine. Kris Wendtland, editor; Necel Golden, layout design.
2004 Western Writers of America Spur Award Finalist, Best Short Nonfiction:
“Cattle Kate: Homesteader or Cattle Thief?” Wild Women of the Old West, Glenda Riley and Richard Etulain, eds. Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum Publishing, 2003.
2004 The Great Writers’ Series, Autry Museum, Los Angeles:
“River Watch,” American West: Twenty New Stories from the Western Writers of America, Loren D. Estleman, ed. New York: Forge, 2001. Read by actress Wendie Malick.
2004 and 2003: President’s Award, Western Writers of America:
In recognition of service to the organization.
2003 Art Affair Short Story Competition, Third Place:
“Death Track,” Pecker’s Revenge and Other Stories from the Frontier’s Edge, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2005.
2003 Wyoming State Historical Society Publications Award:
“Discovering Her Strength: The Remarkable Transformation of Nellie Tayloe Ross,” Annals of Wyoming.
2001 APEX (Awards for Publication Excellence), Communications Concepts:
“Tracking Railroad History,” first in a series of articles on U. S. railroad history, WREN Magazine.
2001 Wyoming State Historical Society Publications Award:
“Pardons and Petticoats.” (Article comparing/contrasting pardon records of Governors Nellie Tayloe Ross of Wyoming and Miriam Ferguson of Texas.) WOLA Journal.